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for General Contractor


2015   -   2018

GBC HB Expertise: Arch. Valentini Andrea - COAF Srl

GBC HB AP: Arch. Valentini Andrea

Client: Segretariato Regionale del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo dell'Emilia Romagna (Bologna)
General Coordination RUP: Arch. Carla Di Francesco - MIBACT, Arch. Rita Berton - MIBACT Venezia

Commissioning Autority: Ing. Perucca Andrea

Energy Modelling: Ing. Francesco Passerini - R2M Solution Srl, Dott. Rodolfo Carnicelli - COAF Srl

Architectural Design: Scape Spa - Roma

Structural and MEP Design: Studio ARCO - Bologna

Construction Supervision: Ing. Angela Ugatti - Provincia di Ferrara, Ing. Alberto Lionello - MIBACT Venezia

Chief Operating Officer - MEP: P.I. Enrico Lambertini

Chief Operating Officer - Accounting: Geom. Andrea Frabetti

Environmental Sustainability Manager for the Client: Arch. Ambrogio Keoma - MIBACT Ferrara

Contracting companies: FERRARA Scarl, composta da RTI Edilfrair Costruzioni Generali SpA L'Aquila - COAF Srl L'Aquila (subappaltatore Mep: Battaiotto Impianti Srl San Donà di Piave (VE))


Registration year: 2015

Certification date: 15/03/2018

Evaluation organization: RINA Services SpA e TÜV Italia Srl

Ferrara, a UNESCO protected city, boasts a cultural and architectural heritage of absolute value and historical cultural value with excellent testimony of civilization. Ferrara also expresses a cultural and technical tradition on the restoration and conservation of historical architectural heritage both with the University and with the local institutions, which have a wide knowledge, culture and technique.

In this context the planning and constructive intervention is placed in a National Museum that sees as the client the MIBAC, Ministry of Environmental and Cultural Heritage for the realization of the Museum of Italian Judaism and of the Shoah in Ferrara. The works consist in the recovery of the building destined for Ex Carceri to be used for temporary exhibitions, a documentation and research center and teaching rooms for children.

The application of the GBC Historic Building® standard, represents a world novelty, certifies the level of environmental sustainability of the recovery and redevelopment of existing historic buildings with specific requirements that can take into account both aspects related to the scope of the historical value of the building, with the effectiveness of an intervention strategy aimed at conservation and valorization in comparison with the environmental impact requirements with the site, of internal environmental comfort, of high environmental performance materials, of energy efficiency of all the installed systems synthesized in a careful virtuous approach from design to construction.

The long-standing Italian technical and cultural tradition in the field of Architectural Restoration is compared and measured by the best international rating systems. Even Italy with its own companies, with its virtuous institutions such as the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, with its knowledge knows how to present itself in the world looking at its history projecting itself in the future as a protagonist.




MEIS: aspetti della certificazione GBC Historic Building - INGENIO Informazione tecnica e professionale

MEIS: un cantiere a elevata sostenibilità ambientale - INGENIO Informazione tecnica e professionale

MEIS - Museo Nazionale dell'Ebraismo Italiano e della Shoà, Ferrara - Saint-Gobain Magazine, Dicembre 2017

Protocollo GBC Historic Building al MEIS di Ferrara - Rec (Recupero e Conservazione) magazine, Maggio-Giugno 2020


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