LEED® - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - is a certification system for sustainable buildings born on a voluntary basis and applied in more than 140 countries in the world. Its standard was born in U.S.A. by U.S.Green Building Council (USGBC), a non-profit association founded in 1993 with the aim of promoting and developing a global approach to sustainability, giving recognition to virtuous performance in key areas of human and environmental health.
LEED® for Interior Design & Construction - ID + C - is the specific rating system to design and realize better indoor spaces referred to this standard. LEED AP ID+C is a specialty credential signifying technical knowledge of design and construction of environmentally conscious commercial interiors. The most important goals are the following: improve user's performance in environmental, visual, and acoustic comfort; make people aware of indoor air quality during the project; define a holistic inter-disciplinary approach to improve projects from the earliest phases of design.
The application areas of this certification system include:
Commercial Interiors (LEED® ID+C: Commercial Interiors) for interior spaces dedicated to functions other than retail or hospitality such as banking institutions.
Retail (LEED®ID+C: Retail) for retail consumer goods.
Hotellerie (LEED®ID+C: Hospitality) referred to the interior spaces of hotels, motels, or other activities in the service sector that provide accommodation, even short-term, with or without catering services.